Barari, Soubhik, Coppock, Alexander, Graham, Matthew H., Padgett, Zoe. 2025. {Are Trump's Indictments Rallying His Base? Evidence from the Counterfactual Format}. Public Opinion Quarterly.
Hewitt, Luke, David Broockman, Alexander Coppock, Ben M. Tappin, James Slezak, Valerie Coffman, Nathaniel Lubin, Mohammad Hamidian. 2024. How experiments help campaigns persuade voters: Evidence from hundreds of campaigns' own experiments. American Political Science Review.
Galos, Diana Roxana, Alexander Coppock. 2023. Gender Composition Predicts Gender Bias: A Meta-reanalysis of Hiring Discrimination Audit Experiments. Science Advances.
Aggarwal, Minali, Jennifer Allen, Andrew Beasley, James Barnes, Alexander Coppock, Dan Frankowski, Solomon Messing, Kelly Zhang, Sylvan Zheng. 2023. The impact of digital advertising on turnout during the 2020 US presidential election: evidence from a massive campaign-level field experiment. Nature Human Behavior.
Coppock, Alexander, Gross, Kimberly, Porter, Ethan, Thorson, Emily, Wood, Thomas J.. 2023. {Conceptual Replication of Four Key Findings about Factual Corrections and Misinformation During the 2020 U.S. Election: Evidence from Panel Survey Experiments}. British Journal of Political Science.
Peyton, Kyle, Huber, Gregory A., Coppock, Alexander. 2022. {The Generalizability of Online Experiments Conducted During The COVID-19 Pandemic}. Journal of Experimental Political Science.
Coppock, Alexander, Donald P. Green, Ethan Porter. 2022. {Does Digital Advertising Affect Vote Choice? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment}. Research \& Politics.
Coppock, Alexander, Dipin Kaur. 2022. {Qualitative Imputation of Missing Potential Outcomes}. American Journal of Political Science.
Schwarz, Susanne, Alexander Coppock. 2022. {What Have We Learned About Gender From Candidate Choice Experiments? A Meta-analysis of 67 Factorial Survey Experiments}. Journal of Politics.
Coppock, Alexander, Donald P. Green. 2022. {Do Belief Systems Exhibit Dynamic Constraint?}. Journal of Politics.
Offer-Westort, Molly, Alexander Coppock, Donald P. Green. 2021. {Adaptive Experimental Design: Prospects and Applications in Political Science}. American Journal of Political Science.
Graham, Matthew H., Alexander Coppock. 2021. {Asking About Attitude Change}. Public Opinion Quarterly.
Peer, Limor, Lilla Orr, Alexander Coppock. 2021. {Active Maintenance: A Proposal for the Long-term Computational Reproducibility of Scientific Results}. PS: Political Science \& Politics.
Coppock, Alexander, Hill, Seth J., Vavreck, Lynn. 2020. {The Small Effects of Political Advertising are Small Regardless of Context, Message, Sender, or Receiver: Evidence from 59 Real-time Randomized Experiments}. Science Advances.
Blair, Graeme, Alexander Coppock, Margaret Moor. 2020. {When to Worry About Sensitivity Bias: Evidence from 30 Years of List Experiments}. American Political Science Review.
Guess, Andrew, Coppock, Alexander. 2020. {Does Counter-Attitudinal Information Cause Backlash? Results from Three Large Survey Experiments}. British Journal of Political Science.
Coppock, Alexander. 2020. {Visualize As You Randomize: Design-based Statistical Graphs for Randomized Experiments}. Advances in Experimental Political Science.
Blair, Graeme, Cooper, Jasper, Coppock, Alexander, Humphreys, Macartan. 2019. {Declaring and Diagnosing Research Designs}. American Political Science Review.
Yokum, David, Ravishankar, Anita, Coppock, Alexander. 2019. {A Randomized Control Trial Evaluating the Effects of Police Body-worn Cameras}. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Coppock, Alexander. 2019. {Generalizing from Survey Experiments Conducted on Mechanical Turk: A Replication Approach}. Political Science Research and Methods.
Coppock, Alexander, Oliver A. McClellan. 2019. {Validating the Demographic, Political, Psychological, and Experimental Results Obtained from a New Source of Online Survey Respondents}. Research \& Politics.
Coppock, Alexander. 2019. {Avoiding Post-Treatment Bias in Audit Experiments}. Journal of Experimental Political Science.
Coppock, Alexander, Emily Ekins, David Kirby. 2018. {The Long-lasting Effects of Newspaper Op-Eds on Public Opinion}. Quarterly Journal of Political Science.
Kirkland, Patricia A., Alexander Coppock. 2018. {Candidate Choice Without Party Labels: New Insights from Conjoint Survey Experiments}. Political Behavior.
Coppock, Alexander, Leeper, Thomas J., Mullinix, Kevin J.. 2018. {Generalizability of Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimates Across Samples}. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Alejandro Flores, Alexander Coppock. 2018. {Do Bilinguals Respond More Favorably to Candidate Advertisements in English or in Spanish?}. Political Communication.
Coppock, Alexander, Alan S. Gerber, Donald P. Green, Holger L. Kern. 2017. {Combining Double Sampling and Bounds to Address Nonignorable Missing Outcomes in Randomized Experiments}. Political Analysis.
Coppock, Alexander. 2017. {Did Shy Trump Supporters Bias the 2016 Polls? Evidence from a Nationally-representative List Experiment}. Statistics, Politics and Policy.
Coppock, Alexander, Green, Donald P.. 2016. {Is Voting Habit Forming? New Evidence from Experiments and Regression Discontinuities}. American Journal of Political Science.
Coppock, Alexander, Andrew Guess, John Ternovski. 2016. {When Treatments are Tweets: A Network Mobilization Experiment over Twitter}. Political Behavior.
Coppock, Alexander. 2016. {Information Spillovers: Another Look at Experimental Estimates of Legislator Responsiveness---CORRIGENDUM}. Journal of Experimental Political Science.
Green, Donald P., Jonathan S. Krasno, Alexander Coppock, Benjamin D. Farrer, Brandon Lenoir, Joshua N. Zingher. 2016. {The Effects of Lawn Signs on Vote Outcomes: Results from Four Randomized Field Experiments}. Electoral Studies.
Aronow, Peter M., Coppock, Alexander, Crawford, Forrest W., Green, Donald P.. 2015. {Combining List Experiment and Direct Question Estimates of Sensitive Behavior Prevalence}. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology.
Coppock, Alexander, Donald P. Green. 2015. {Assessing the Correspondence Between Experimental Results Obtained in the Lab and Field: A Review of Recent Social Science Research}. Political Science Research and Methods.
Coppock, Alexander. 2014. {Information Spillovers: Another Look at Experimental Estimates of Legislator Responsiveness}. Journal of Experimental Political Science.